Want To Do Business Online But Have Nothing To Sell?

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant ( Article 2 of 10)

We have arrived at a very important chapter in this Millionaire Mentoring Magic course. Look all around you on this planet, and you will see that the essence of life is growth. EVERYTHING wants to grow. Indeed, life without continual growth is inconceivable. When famed philanthropist Dr. Albert Schweitzer talked about “Reverence for life,” he was only saying in another way, “Reference for growth.”

So, now we come to you. Your very genetic make-up is programmed for growth. All your life you have been continually growing in many ways. Why then should your business be any different? Why should you place your business on a different footing than all other aspects of life?

I am dedicating this chapter to the folks at Wal-Mart because that is a company that epitomizes what I am going to tell you in this chapter. It is a company that started small and which became a mega-billion dollar enterprise generating multi- billion dollar fortunes for its founders by focusing on logical, continual growth and customer service.

Now it’s time to dig in and help you grow and wax prosperous.

Helpful Suggestion #1: It Doesn’t Matter Where You Start, But It Matters Enormously Where You End Up

Right this minute you may represent dozens of products, a few products, or absolutely no products whatsoever. Whatever situation you’re in, DON’T WORRY. It’s just a starting point, a place to measure your ultimate progress from. Now hear this: if you are reading this chapter and you’re impecunious, I salute you. Your success will be all the sweeter because of where you’re starting. We admire Abraham Lincoln the more because he was born in a log cabin and had scarcely any formal education at all. Don’t be ashamed of or daunted by your current situation. It’s just Square 1.

What you need to succeed is drive, ambition, stamina, and persistence. A thick-skin and good sense of humor certainly help, too.

Your job is to stay focused, stay cheerful, and (as Wal-Mart surely proves) to stay customer-centered AND to grow!

Helpful Suggestion #2: Get Prepared For Growth Before It Happens

Consider the matter of Washington, D.C., America’s capital. Architect Pierre L’Enfant laid out a grand, cosmopolitan city in the swamps. It took Washington the better part of a century to grow into this vast outline. Washington, like Rome, was not built in a day but the essential planning for that growth was present from the very first instant. So it must be with your business.

The videos and reports in this course tell you just what your business needs to succeed. Here I wish to stress a few key components. You need a domain. You need professional website design. You need website content management. You need video. You need a searchable database. And you need to have your forms and procedures in place for regularly adding new products.

I would like to focus, here, on the searchable database and the forms and procedures you need for regularly adding new products. You will find the other items dealt with rigorously in the other videos and special reports of this course.

– – The Vital Importance Of A Searchable Database

Even though you may now have no products or only two or three, in short order you can represent dozens, even hundreds — or, like Wal-Mart — tens of thousands. How are you going to organize all this data, both in the presentation of your products and for easy access to all your supplier and customer records?

The searchable database is the answer.

There are actually 2 varieties of searchable database. The first is what I call the “public” database. A good example is http://www.amazon.com This is the database that organizes any number of products and services that you will feature on your website. This database needs to be easy for the average customer to search.

The second database is what I call the “private” database. This is composed of inventory, supplier information, prospect and customer data, including complete purchase and shipping details, etc.

You will need both kinds of searchable databases; you should have them set up for you ASAP so that they are ready for you as you grow. Indeed, setting up your searchable databases early is as good an indication as can be that you intend to grow. Consider it like buying a three bedroom house for the family you don’t yet have!

Important: my colleague Sandi Hunter is an expert in the creation of searchable databases. Contacting her at this point would be a very good idea. Mailto:sandi@worldprofit.com

– – Forms And Procedures For Regularly Adding New Products And Services

Go into a grocery store. It’s packed with thousands of products. Go into a hardware store. Ditto. Or any department store you can think of. It’s all about products!

Until well into the nineteenth century most stores were small with limited selections of products. Then men of vision (personally Sir Thomas Lipson, the super-grocer you know for his teas is a hero of mine) said: whoa! Let’s put more and more and more products together to make it easier for the consumer and make more money for ourselves. Thus the super- or department store was born. It took considerable capital to do this.

What the Internet has done is make it possible for people of far more modest means to create super-stores online, businesses of any number you care to name of products and services.

However, you need to be prepared to profit from the efficiencies and economies of the Internet, first with searchable databases. Then by having the necessary forms and procedures in place to grow.

You need a database of product and service suppliers. This is key. As your business grows and you deal with more and more suppliers this database will become more valuable than gold.

What you want in this database is

* supplier name

* supplier contact name

* address

* telephone

* email address

* fax

* products you carry by this supplier

* discount and payment terms

* shipping restrictions (they may only ship to certain countries)

* who provides shipping insurance, if applicable.

* any other information your specific business requires.

You also need forms which suppliers can complete when you request information about individual products and services. These forms should include:

* product name

* supplier product identification number

* supplier contact name for this product

* retail price of product

* any special sales offers available

* any special product supplier sales incentives

* product availability details

* discount on this product

* links to online product description

* other product description details (like a brochure or printed catalog)

* available testimonials

* product photograph/s available

* shipping options.

Remember, as you grow your business you may well review thousands of different products for sale. You must be prepared!

Note: the day you stop reviewing new products for your mega-store is the day your business starts to decline and die. Remember, the essence of business life, indeed of life overall, is continual growth.

Understanding Drop Shipping

Drop shipping has been around for a very long time. The Internet has given it a huge boost enabling thousands of entrepreneurs like you to take advantage of it.

What is drop shipping? Drop shipping is where the product supplier warehouses the item in question and ships it direct to the customer. You, as the marketer, promote the product and collect the money. Ordinarily you pay the supplier the (obviously discounted) price at time of order, including shipping and (where applicable) insurance, etc.. Payment is usually by major credit card or, nowadays and easily, by PayPal. You get your money upfront. So does the prime supplier, who then ships.

Important: Note that I recommend that ALL orders and all money be sent directly to you. Unless the supplier (like a network marketing opportunity) is set up to give you a unique dealer distributor identification number, I would avoid situations where others get the orders and then remit a report and payment to you. It’s too easy for you to receive an inaccurate accounting and diminished remuneration.

Remember, the key to this entire system is mutual trust. That’s why your supplier list, founded as it must be on your personal experience with each supplier, is so important.

It takes time to identify honest, reputable and efficient suppliers. It takes time to build rapport and a good working relationship with them. That’s why your supplier database is a whole lot more than mere names and follow-up details. It is a golden compilation of the people you trust your own reputation to. Remember, if there are any problems at all the customer is going to blame YOU, who sold the item in question, rather than the manufacturer.

How To Find Prodcts, The Continual Hunt

Do you want to get rich? Do you want to get richer still? Then you are committed to staying on the hunt for new products and services which productively augment your existing line.

This hunt starts in the major search engines. For me, that means at Google, http://www.google.com

Until you grow, you are going to be the chief cook and bottle washer of your enterprise. This means you are in charge of new product review and acquisition.

Wearing that hat, go to Google and start searching for the products you need to grow. Keep brain storming lists of key words pertaining to product/subject areas in which you’re interested. Then, as search reports pop up, laboriously efficiently, painstakingly go through what has materialized, looking for items to augment your line and make you richer. This must now be a regular occupation.

As you find products of potential interest, email or otherwise contact the source, indicating you are interested in a distributor relationship and following up by emailing both your distributor and product form.

If the company is efficient and customer- centered (remember, in this case YOU are the customer) you will receive a prompt acknowledgement at the very least with an indication when you will receive all the information you’ve requested. Wait 48 hours and if you do not receive such a response, re-contact the source. Whether the source responds quickly and thoroughly to your inquiry is a preliminary indication of just how professional and customer-centered they are. Take note!

The worst situation for you to be in is to sell a product that the prime source cannot deliver in reasonable time or for them otherwise to besmirch your fine reputation with their inefficient habits. It is essential that you discover and work with reputable, honorable, efficient suppliers. When you find them, cherish them. (A few good words on their virtues never come amiss.)

The Importance Of Website Content Management

So, you’ve found a product you like. You want to add it to your website. Now what? Here’s where planning is so important. The website you get should anticipate your growth. It must also come with content management so that you can add material without the necessity for a paid webmaster.

Again, I recommend that you get in touch with expert web designer Sandi Hunter. She can help you set up the website you need to anticipate the growth of your product line and ensure you get easy-to-use website content management. Mailto:sandi@worldprofit.com

Review Product Performance, Keep Your Stock Exciting, Fresh & Moving

As I’m sure you’re aware, retailers look to make so much money in any given time from so much product shelve space used. Online, though you don’t have “shelves” as brick-and-mortar retailers do, you have limited home page space available and must guard it carefully to ensure maximum return from this vital presentation area. This is where you want to take a cue from some of the famous promoters of history — P.T. Barnum, Florenz Ziegfeld, even Donald Trump.

First, you need a “special of the day” (or week). With content management it’s easy regularly to change your specials. “A change,” my grandmother used to say, “is as good as a vacation.” So it is with online product selling.

Second, you need to incorporate video into your site, both to introduce the site overall and to promote products in this direct, conversational, motivating way. (This is where your Worldprofit Instant Video Recording Studio comes in very handy.)

Third: make sure you make product descriptions as conversational as possible. Copy should always be interesting, packed-with-benefits and personable.

Finally, use offers to move products quicker. This point cannot be overstresed. Your offers can be written — and they can and should be presented and made more emphatic using video.

Note: Customer testimonials packed with actual benefits achieved help move sales, too, and can also be included in videos.

If You’re Going To Make Money With Products Treat Your Site Like The International Business And Communications Center It Is — Not A Flat, One-Dimensional Tired Site.

The worst thing you can do is produce a website that is really nothing more than a bulletin board of posted information. In fact, I regard that as the kiss of death. Yet this is precisely what the average website is all about — just a bunch of information.

If you want to profit by selling products and services online in your own growing mega-store, then get yourself on both the traditional and email mailing lists of every retailer you can, particularly the major retailers who spend millions of dollars to entice the greatest number of dollars from the largest number of people.

Every time they come out with a new catalog, a new website, a new offer they are helping YOU sell more products and get RICH! Similarly each time you visit any large department store or retailer in person, do so with your own marketer’s hat on. Be a sleuth and see what they’re doing. Do not hesitate to benefit from their continual hard work on your behalf.

Here’s the drill:

* add a new product to your online mega-store

* put it in the “Special of the Day” box or otherwise diffentiate and set it off

* make a thrilling offer for this product

* do a video about this product or a video testimonial

* use your email list to email people the video link, the offer, and your site link details, too.

Check your coffers at the end of the day. How are you doing? Sales strong? Then keep it going. Email another announcement in the evening saying “Held over by popular demand.”

Sales weak? Tweak the copy. Re-email to your list. Review the video testimonial, your own video. Are they heavy on customer benefits as they should be? If not, improve it. Using email and video this is easy to do. Product still not selling? Diminish its priority by removing it to another place.

Note: every time you get a product that sells well, retain everything you did in a file. Reuse this material (updating if necessary) from time to time. You’re a talented marketer. Use what’s worked before, over and over again — so long as it’s making money.

I realize why many people create static, dull, one-dimensional websites. It’s easy. They think “Post it and they will buy.” However you’re smarter than these people. You know and I know that getting rich selling products online is a function, first, of conceptualizing your site correctly, as an international business and communications center with the focus on constantly motivating customers to act by delivering unrivaled benefits — on site, in email, in video and through webcasts. In short the degree to which you are active, energetic and, always, customer-centered is the degree to how rich you’ll get and how soon.

Last Words

Do you smell the money? Have you had one “Aha!” Moment after another in this chapter? I hope so. Everything exists for you to become an online impressario and millionaire. All you need to do is add heart, soul, energy, enthusiasm and your growing expertise in selecting products and services people worldwide just cannot live without!

When should you start? Right now. TODAY hundreds of billions of dollars of products will be sold. At last you know exactly how to start using the Internet to cash in on this never ending stream of money. Be sure to let me know how well you’re doing. I love success stories — especially yours!

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant

We have arrived at a very important chapter in this Millionaire Mentoring Magic course. Look all around you on this planet, and you will see that the essence of life is growth. EVERYTHING wants to grow. Indeed, life without continual growth is inconceivable. When famed philanthropist Dr. Albert Schweitzer talked about “Reverence for life,” he was only saying in another way, “Reference for growth.”

So, now we come to you. Your very genetic make-up is programmed for growth. All your life you have been continually growing in many ways. Why then should your business be any different? Why should you place your business on a different footing than all other aspects of life?

I am dedicating this chapter to the folks at Wal-Mart because that is a company that epitomizes what I am going to tell you in this chapter. It is a company that started small and which became a mega-billion dollar enterprise generating multi- billion dollar fortunes for its founders by focusing on logical, continual growth and customer service.

Now it’s time to dig in and help you grow and wax prosperous.

Helpful Suggestion #1: It Doesn’t Matter Where You Start, But It Matters Enormously Where You End Up

Right this minute you may represent dozens of products, a few products, or absolutely no products whatsoever. Whatever situation you’re in, DON’T WORRY. It’s just a starting point, a place to measure your ultimate progress from. Now hear this: if you are reading this chapter and you’re impecunious, I salute you. Your success will be all the sweeter because of where you’re starting. We admire Abraham Lincoln the more because he was born in a log cabin and had scarcely any formal education at all. Don’t be ashamed of or daunted by your current situation. It’s just Square 1.

What you need to succeed is drive, ambition, stamina, and persistence. A thick-skin and good sense of humor certainly help, too.

Your job is to stay focused, stay cheerful, and (as Wal-Mart surely proves) to stay customer-centered AND to grow!

Helpful Suggestion #2: Get Prepared For Growth Before It Happens

Consider the matter of Washington, D.C., America’s capital. Architect Pierre L’Enfant laid out a grand, cosmopolitan city in the swamps. It took Washington the better part of a century to grow into this vast outline. Washington, like Rome, was not built in a day but the essential planning for that growth was present from the very first instant. So it must be with your business.

The videos and reports in this course tell you just what your business needs to succeed. Here I wish to stress a few key components. You need a domain. You need professional website design. You need website content management. You need video. You need a searchable database. And you need to have your forms and procedures in place for regularly adding new products.

I would like to focus, here, on the searchable database and the forms and procedures you need for regularly adding new products. You will find the other items dealt with rigorously in the other videos and special reports of this course.

– – The Vital Importance Of A Searchable Database

Even though you may now have no products or only two or three, in short order you can represent dozens, even hundreds — or, like Wal-Mart — tens of thousands. How are you going to organize all this data, both in the presentation of your products and for easy access to all your supplier and customer records?

The searchable database is the answer.

There are actually 2 varieties of searchable database. The first is what I call the “public” database. A good example is http://www.amazon.com This is the database that organizes any number of products and services that you will feature on your website. This database needs to be easy for the average customer to search.

The second database is what I call the “private” database. This is composed of inventory, supplier information, prospect and customer data, including complete purchase and shipping details, etc.

You will need both kinds of searchable databases; you should have them set up for you ASAP so that they are ready for you as you grow. Indeed, setting up your searchable databases early is as good an indication as can be that you intend to grow. Consider it like buying a three bedroom house for the family you don’t yet have!

Important: my colleague Sandi Hunter is an expert in the creation of searchable databases. Contacting her at this point would be a very good idea. Mailto:sandi@worldprofit.com

– – Forms And Procedures For Regularly Adding New Products And Services

Go into a grocery store. It’s packed with thousands of products. Go into a hardware store. Ditto. Or any department store you can think of. It’s all about products!

Until well into the nineteenth century most stores were small with limited selections of products. Then men of vision (personally Sir Thomas Lipson, the super-grocer you know for his teas is a hero of mine) said: whoa! Let’s put more and more and more products together to make it easier for the consumer and make more money for ourselves. Thus the super- or department store was born. It took considerable capital to do this.

What the Internet has done is make it possible for people of far more modest means to create super-stores online, businesses of any number you care to name of products and services.

However, you need to be prepared to profit from the efficiencies and economies of the Internet, first with searchable databases. Then by having the necessary forms and procedures in place to grow.

You need a database of product and service suppliers. This is key. As your business grows and you deal with more and more suppliers this database will become more valuable than gold.

What you want in this database is

* supplier name

* supplier contact name

* address

* telephone

* email address

* fax

* products you carry by this supplier

* discount and payment terms

* shipping restrictions (they may only ship to certain countries)

* who provides shipping insurance, if applicable.

* any other information your specific business requires.

You also need forms which suppliers can complete when you request information about individual products and services. These forms should include:

* product name

* supplier product identification number

* supplier contact name for this product

* retail price of product

* any special sales offers available

* any special product supplier sales incentives

* product availability details

* discount on this product

* links to online product description

* other product description details (like a brochure or printed catalog)

* available testimonials

* product photograph/s available

* shipping options.

Remember, as you grow your business you may well review thousands of different products for sale. You must be prepared!

Note: the day you stop reviewing new products for your mega-store is the day your business starts to decline and die. Remember, the essence of business life, indeed of life overall, is continual growth.

Understanding Drop Shipping

Drop shipping has been around for a very long time. The Internet has given it a huge boost enabling thousands of entrepreneurs like you to take advantage of it.

What is drop shipping? Drop shipping is where the product supplier warehouses the item in question and ships it direct to the customer. You, as the marketer, promote the product and collect the money. Ordinarily you pay the supplier the (obviously discounted) price at time of order, including shipping and (where applicable) insurance, etc.. Payment is usually by major credit card or, nowadays and easily, by PayPal. You get your money upfront. So does the prime supplier, who then ships.

Important: Note that I recommend that ALL orders and all money be sent directly to you. Unless the supplier (like a network marketing opportunity) is set up to give you a unique dealer distributor identification number, I would avoid situations where others get the orders and then remit a report and payment to you. It’s too easy for you to receive an inaccurate accounting and diminished remuneration.

Remember, the key to this entire system is mutual trust. That’s why your supplier list, founded as it must be on your personal experience with each supplier, is so important.

It takes time to identify honest, reputable and efficient suppliers. It takes time to build rapport and a good working relationship with them. That’s why your supplier database is a whole lot more than mere names and follow-up details. It is a golden compilation of the people you trust your own reputation to. Remember, if there are any problems at all the customer is going to blame YOU, who sold the item in question, rather than the manufacturer.

How To Find Prodcts, The Continual Hunt

Do you want to get rich? Do you want to get richer still? Then you are committed to staying on the hunt for new products and services which productively augment your existing line.

This hunt starts in the major search engines. For me, that means at Google, http://www.google.com

Until you grow, you are going to be the chief cook and bottle washer of your enterprise. This means you are in charge of new product review and acquisition.

Wearing that hat, go to Google and start searching for the products you need to grow. Keep brain storming lists of key words pertaining to product/subject areas in which you’re interested. Then, as search reports pop up, laboriously efficiently, painstakingly go through what has materialized, looking for items to augment your line and make you richer. This must now be a regular occupation.

As you find products of potential interest, email or otherwise contact the source, indicating you are interested in a distributor relationship and following up by emailing both your distributor and product form.

If the company is efficient and customer- centered (remember, in this case YOU are the customer) you will receive a prompt acknowledgement at the very least with an indication when you will receive all the information you’ve requested. Wait 48 hours and if you do not receive such a response, re-contact the source. Whether the source responds quickly and thoroughly to your inquiry is a preliminary indication of just how professional and customer-centered they are. Take note!

The worst situation for you to be in is to sell a product that the prime source cannot deliver in reasonable time or for them otherwise to besmirch your fine reputation with their inefficient habits. It is essential that you discover and work with reputable, honorable, efficient suppliers. When you find them, cherish them. (A few good words on their virtues never come amiss.)

The Importance Of Website Content Management

So, you’ve found a product you like. You want to add it to your website. Now what? Here’s where planning is so important. The website you get should anticipate your growth. It must also come with content management so that you can add material without the necessity for a paid webmaster.

Again, I recommend that you get in touch with expert web designer Sandi Hunter. She can help you set up the website you need to anticipate the growth of your product line and ensure you get easy-to-use website content management. Mailto:sandi@worldprofit.com

Review Product Performance, Keep Your Stock Exciting, Fresh & Moving

As I’m sure you’re aware, retailers look to make so much money in any given time from so much product shelve space used. Online, though you don’t have “shelves” as brick-and-mortar retailers do, you have limited home page space available and must guard it carefully to ensure maximum return from this vital presentation area. This is where you want to take a cue from some of the famous promoters of history — P.T. Barnum, Florenz Ziegfeld, even Donald Trump.

First, you need a “special of the day” (or week). With content management it’s easy regularly to change your specials. “A change,” my grandmother used to say, “is as good as a vacation.” So it is with online product selling.

Second, you need to incorporate video into your site, both to introduce the site overall and to promote products in this direct, conversational, motivating way. (This is where your Worldprofit Instant Video Recording Studio comes in very handy.)

Third: make sure you make product descriptions as conversational as possible. Copy should always be interesting, packed-with-benefits and personable.

Finally, use offers to move products quicker. This point cannot be overstresed. Your offers can be written — and they can and should be presented and made more emphatic using video.

Note: Customer testimonials packed with actual benefits achieved help move sales, too, and can also be included in videos.

If You’re Going To Make Money With Products Treat Your Site Like The International Business And Communications Center It Is — Not A Flat, One-Dimensional Tired Site.

The worst thing you can do is produce a website that is really nothing more than a bulletin board of posted information. In fact, I regard that as the kiss of death. Yet this is precisely what the average website is all about — just a bunch of information.

If you want to profit by selling products and services online in your own growing mega-store, then get yourself on both the traditional and email mailing lists of every retailer you can, particularly the major retailers who spend millions of dollars to entice the greatest number of dollars from the largest number of people.

Every time they come out with a new catalog, a new website, a new offer they are helping YOU sell more products and get RICH! Similarly each time you visit any large department store or retailer in person, do so with your own marketer’s hat on. Be a sleuth and see what they’re doing. Do not hesitate to benefit from their continual hard work on your behalf.

Here’s the drill:

* add a new product to your online mega-store

* put it in the “Special of the Day” box or otherwise diffentiate and set it off

* make a thrilling offer for this product

* do a video about this product or a video testimonial

* use your email list to email people the video link, the offer, and your site link details, too.

Check your coffers at the end of the day. How are you doing? Sales strong? Then keep it going. Email another announcement in the evening saying “Held over by popular demand.”

Sales weak? Tweak the copy. Re-email to your list. Review the video testimonial, your own video. Are they heavy on customer benefits as they should be? If not, improve it. Using email and video this is easy to do. Product still not selling? Diminish its priority by removing it to another place.

Note: every time you get a product that sells well, retain everything you did in a file. Reuse this material (updating if necessary) from time to time. You’re a talented marketer. Use what’s worked before, over and over again — so long as it’s making money.

I realize why many people create static, dull, one-dimensional websites. It’s easy. They think “Post it and they will buy.” However you’re smarter than these people. You know and I know that getting rich selling products online is a function, first, of conceptualizing your site correctly, as an international business and communications center with the focus on constantly motivating customers to act by delivering unrivaled benefits — on site, in email, in video and through webcasts. In short the degree to which you are active, energetic and, always, customer-centered is the degree to how rich you’ll get and how soon.

Last Words

Do you smell the money? Have you had one “Aha!” Moment after another in this chapter? I hope so. Everything exists for you to become an online impressario and millionaire. All you need to do is add heart, soul, energy, enthusiasm and your growing expertise in selecting products and services people worldwide just cannot live without!

When should you start? Right now. TODAY hundreds of billions of dollars of products will be sold. At last you know exactly how to start using the Internet to cash in on this never ending stream of money. Be sure to let me know how well you’re doing. I love success stories — especially yours!

All comments welcomed and very much wanted!

I personally reply to all comments!

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Chance of a Lifetime to acutally meet and chat with Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

Any questions? email me personally at ddohrn@gmail.com

Could you use 50.000 free vistors to a website of Your choice?

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phone: 218-469-2528

Thank you for stopping by, and Please Come again!

Diane Dohrn

Business Coach

President : Ddohrn.com

Join Me On Skype: ddohrnbiz

P.S, If you would like content like this free to use in your blog to generate leads .Give me a call at 218-469-2528, I’d be glad to tell you how, or Leave phone number in comment. . I respond immediately to all comments.

Thanks Again


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